Lakhmi Chand Singh Khalsa
Ejercicios Clase 1 -
Kundalini Yoga a Distancia –- 9.29 min
Lo ideal es
hacer estos ejercicios en la mañana, no antes de dormir porque dan mucha
energía. Cada ejercicio se hace de 1 a 3 minutos.no mas.
Se recomienda
mantener un mantra durante el día. Cuando meditamos con mantra de forma regular
ese mantra penetra en el subconsciente y hace que podamos meditar en el durante
el resto del día, de esta manera en vez
de llenar la mente don pensamientos no deseados, plantamos la semilla del mantra para ir creando un pensamiento neutral e ir disminuyendo el
numero de veces que reaccionamos de forma negativa ante el entorno.
Clase 2 - Serie Básica
de Respiración.mpeg-
30.28 MIN
Ejercicio de pranayama y respiración para la
vitalidad y la relajación
3 de Kundalini Yoga - Meditación para eliminar el estrés- 4.38 min
Explicación de una meditación dada por Yogui
Bhajan para eliminar el estrés con kundalini yoga. El tiempo de ejecución es de
11 min. Explicación dada por Lakhmi Chand Singh profesor de Acuario Yoga en
Manos a
las rodilla pulgar e índices juntos. Inhalar por nariz en 8 partes iguales , como en sorbos
o fragmentos ,, - se exhala largo una
sola vez por la nariz con fuerza. Mantener los hombros relajados. Se puede
hacer en cualquier lugar.
Relajación - Clase de
Kundalini Yoga a Distancia- 4.13 min
Video con una explicación para la parte de la
relajación en la práctica de una clase de Kundalini Yoga. Video del centro
Acuario Yoga en Madrid. Clase dirigida por Lakhmi Chand Singh Khalsa.
Cierre de la sesión -
Clase de Kundalini Yoga a Distancia- 4 min
con una explicación para la finalización la práctica de una clase de Kundalini
Yoga. Video del centro Acuario Yoga en Madrid. Clase dirigida por Lakhmi Chand
Singh Khalsa
Que el eterno sol te
ilumine, el amor te rodee, y la luz pura
interior guie tu camino.
Saaat nam, Saaat nam Saat nam
Naam Yoga Dance of Light featuring Blessing Naam - A guided
healing meditation series!
Movimientos sentados continuos.
Satnam satnam satnam… guage guru guaje guru…
Download the Mantra Sheet and MP3 here:
Read about the Naam Yoga Dance of Light featuring Blessing
The whole cosmos is permeated by music and movement which
form a unified whole. The Naam Yoga movements in the Dance of Light with
Blessing Naam work with the Law that governs the relationship between sacred
words and music. Doing Naam with these movements, along with the rhythm of the
music, causes one to come into contact with the sacred, pure and powerful
forces in nature that create and build the future. These movements infuse the
body with the harmony, rhythm, music and geometrical figures contained within
those forces.
These movements are based on the deep knowledge of the
forces governing the human organism and the whole of Creation. They make the
body healthy, bright and beautiful. Ancient mystics knew that powerful forces
could be awakened through the combination of sacred words, music and movement.
They discovered the hidden potential powers in words and music and learned to
tap into these forces through rhythmic movements that corresponded to specific
geometrical figures, and combined them with vibrating sacred words. Naam Yoga
works with motion, rhythm and music because there is harmony and rhythm in the
whole of Creation. Words and music deeply influence our core essence and activate
our physical and spiritual forces. The intelligent combination of sacred words,
tones and movements can have a miraculous healing effect upon the human body,
thoughts and emotions. These healing movements even awaken within us new
creative forces. In the ancient esoteric schools, the mystical songs were also
accompanied by movements. Keeping with this tradition, the Blessing Naam
practice is the science of harmonious movements and their relationship with
human thoughts and emotions. Vibrating Naam while performing these healing
movements has an enormous effect on both the practitioner and those watching.
It is this precise combination of sacred words with music and movements in the
Naam Yoga Dance of Light that leads to healing.
When you vibrate the Blessing Naam mantra you acknowledge
that you are a Divine child begging for his/her Father’s Divine Love, mercy and
blessings. By wearing the virtues of tender-hearted mercy, humility,
gentleness, love, patience and kindness we automatically receive them from God.
This is an irrefutable formula. It is a prayer that, when uttered with devotion
and complete humility, cannot fail. With devoted use, this prayer will
eradicate karma and clear the way for a life of Divine Grace and blessings.
The Naam Yoga Dance of Light with Blessing Naam practice
heals and strengthens our spinal column. All the powers we can use to penetrate
into the superior dimensions of nature are found in the spinal column. The
spinal column holds us up. It is the center of our sacred temple (the human
body), and a conduit of both physical and spiritual energy. As you vibrate Naam
while working through the various postures of the Naam Yoga Dance of Light, the
body is reinforced with pranic energy, causing movement to become smooth and
easy. Moving throughout the Naam Yoga postures is intended to release our
Spirit, work on the mind, and involve the body, with the aim of fortifying and
reinforcing it from within. We exist both through our physical and mental
bodies. When we perform a posture or stretch a part of our body while vibrating
Naam simultaneously, it heals and brings relaxation to all cells, muscles,
organs and body parts involved. As a result, this relaxation of the whole body
frees up stagnant or stuck energy, allowing the pranic force to move about the
entire body. The entire body profits and is thus invigorated and rejuvenated.
Naam Yoga works on the nerves, muscles and bones. Combining
Naam and movement brings flexibility, suppleness and agility, leading to a
healing relaxation. Combining the various movements and postures with Naam lets
the Naam Yogi affect the physcial plane via the spiritual plane. The yoga
postures in the Naam Yoga Dance of Light flow gracefully, lending themselves to
the practitioner with ease, regardless of their fitness level, yet their youth
and health-giving benefits are extensive. It is important to move gracefully
with the breath in order to ensure good circulation. Furthermore, vibrating
Naam while moving the body supports and enhances one’s physical and mental
wellbeing as well as our spiritual awareness and growth. Naam Yoga works on the
totality of the human being, synchronizing him/her again with his/her true
place within this vast Universe.
This very special track was
first released at the 2015 Divine Spiritual Alchemy Retreat in Los Cabos, MX.
For more information about upcoming retreats, please visit http://www.Rootlight.com/Alchemy
Healing the Healer with Naam - Includes Mantra
Transliteration in English-24 min
Publicado el 27 feb. 2012
Download the MP3: http://www.rootlight.com/free-meditat...
Traditionally used for healing of persistent and chronic
conditions, this powerful and healing combination of sacred prayers originates
from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. These prayers have been used throughout the
ages to cure all types of illnesses, fevers and "incurable" diseases,
as well as for removing pain and suffering, regardless of whether the source is
physical, emotional, or mental. The perfect combination of Divine Sacred Naam
(Logos) and musical composition of this recording invokes the highest and most
benevolent form of Divine Grace by enflaming the heart with unwavering devotion
and Divine Love, bringing about unshakable and unwavering Faith.
Copyright Rootlight, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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