domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013


The Wave Dance by Gabrielle Roth-9.22 min
en ingles, Gabrielle explica como es...
Noted artist, philosopher, and dancer Gabrielle Roth has devoted her life to honoring and communicating the language of primal movement and experimental theater. Since the mid-1960s, Roth has taken thousands of people on a journey from physical and emotional inertia to the freedom of ecstasy, from the tyranny of the chattering ego-mind to the blessed emptiness of stillness.

Gabrielle Roth's workshops and retreats have an electric intensity that mates contemporary currents of rock music, modern theater, and poetry to the ancient pulse of shamanism. Author of Maps to Ecstasy, Connections, and Sweat Your Prayers, Gabrielle Roth is artistic director of her dance/theater/music company, The Mirrors, and has been a member of the Actor's Studio. Her award-winning musical and video recordings are on the cutting-edge of shamanic trance and dance music.

Roth is creator of The 5Rhythms™, a poetic and practical practice that directly addresses the divorce of body from heart, and heart from mind, that has plagued our culture. She teaches The 5Rhythms from the heart of the community—The Moving Center® NYC. The Moving Center is the vision and vehicle of Roth's body of work. She is currently teaching experimental theater in New York based on The 5Rhythms and training others to use shamanic methods within artistic, education, and healing contexts.

She is often joined in her classes and workshops by her son, Jonathan Horan, who teaches with her at Omega Institute, The Moving Center NYC, and other venues worldwide. 2009

5 Rhythms with Neda Nenadic-3.32 minutos
Poco después de la muerte de Gabrielle, pedimos a alumnos y profesores  bailar en las calles en total abandono. De manera intrépida, molestando al tenso y liberando al inspirado. Nos sentimos honrados por compartir este hermoso ofrecimiento de la maestra de 5 Ritmos Neda Nenadic, que ha llevado esto a un nuevo nivel, inspirando a personas de todo el mundo para bailar los  5 ritmos a través de su pasión, entrega confianza y gran amor
‘Cuando bailo, siento que como una oración. Es como una ofrenda. Ofrezco mi cabeza a la danza. Ofrezco mis hombros a la danza, mis  codos, mis  manos, mi columna vertebral, mis rodillas, mis pies, todo mi ser, mis huesos, mi sangre, mi experiencia, mi sufrimiento… Ofrezco todo a la  danza y digo: tómalo, haz lo que quieras  conmigo. Libérame.’Gabrielle Roth.
Shortly after Gabrielle's great flight from this earth, we asked students and teachers alike to dance in the streets in total abandonment.  Fearlessly inconveniencing the uptight, uplifting and freeing the inspired.  We are honored to share this beautiful offering from 5Rhythms teacher Neda Nenadic who has taken this to a new level, globally inspiring people all over the world to dance the 5Rhythms through her passion, surrender, trust, and utter love.

 "When I am dancing, it feels like my prayer. Its's like an offering. I offer my head back to the dance, I offer my shoulders back to the dance, my elbows, my hands, my spine, my knees, my feet, my whole self, my bones, my blood, my experience, my suffering... I offer it all back to the dance and I say: Take it, do whatever you want with me. Release me." ~ G. Roth

Los 5 Ritmos de Gabrielle Roth- 7.41 MIN

Por las calles de Madrid

Gabrielle Roth died on Monday. In her lifetime [1941-2012] she founded a world wide Dance movement called: 5 Rhythms. It consists of five segments: Fluid, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. This video is brilliant as it encomapasses all, with such dynamism, energy and mindfulness. Thankyou! Beautiful Tribute :)


For those that never had the chance to see one of Gabrielle's 5Rhythms Theater performance pieces, here is a taste of Tribe, with Sanga of the Valley and Robert on the beats! Performed at a benefit for Bent for Learning/Sing for Hope.
TítuloTRIBE, directed by Gabrielle Roth-9 min

5 Rhythms dance at Everest BC in support of Women for Women International- 6-01 min

Thank you Andrew Barlow from band "Lamb" for generosity and permission to use "Wise Enough" song.
My name is Neda Nenadic and I am 5 Rhythms teacher who in Oct 2012 joined the trek to Everest Base Camp in support of

This journey was truly humbling and majestic on the inner and outer ways.
After 9 days of trekking, quite exhausted, at an altitude of 5,364 metres (17,598 ft) where the air has half the oxygen content as at sea level.
This way my prayer and offering at this sacred place, honouring my teacher Gabrielle Roth and all those women stuck in war and violence.
"Mount Everest, Chomolungma in Tibetan, which translates as "Mother of the Universe" or "Goddess of the Mother Earth" or Sagarmatha in Nepali, which means "Goddess of the Sky"."

"The 5 Rhythms community is a 21st century tribe unbound by history, culture, race, religion, gender or politics. We are bound by the beat, following our feet on a dancing path to freedom. We are beat-driven, service-oriented, heart-based individuals who come together to embrace our tribal longings.
The measure of a community is its respect for the wisdom of its elders, the innocence of its children, the passion of its artists and the hope of its healers.

We are committed to inspiring and serving these roots and wings of community. As the beloved Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hahn says, "Community is the next Buddha."
Gabrielle Roth

To find more about 5 Rhythms and inspiring teachers in your area please visit:

5RHYTHMS Gabrielle Roth Memorial Participation January 9th , 2013- 4.35 min

Inner Wave Dance by Gabrielle Roth- 7.57 min

From The Inner Wave:

The object of meditation, teaches Gabrielle Roth, is to still the mind and the fastest way to do that is to move your body. On The Inner Wave, the third video in Gabrielle Roth's Ecstatic Dance video collection, we join this pioneer of ecstatic dance to investigate stillness, the mother of all rhythm, through a meditative trance dance journey.

Musica. Flowing. Serene. Gabrielle roth

Power Wave Dance by Gabrielle Roth- 9.17 min

From The Power Wave:

Pumping up the beat to maximum, Gabrielle Roth guides us through five universal rhythms that flow through our lives and world. Viewers join dancers of all sizes, shapes, and age groups whirling, sweating, transforming for a super high-energy workout to explore and practice with, at home or in a dance space, alone or with friends.

How viewers move to The Power Wave is up to them: the steps to follow are simple. This dynamic practice allows us to experiment with breathing, body angles, edges, and patterns. Soon we feel how our energy merges with the pulse of life around us. We awaken our deepest creativity and open to our own intuitive way of moving.

CINCO RITMOS- CON KELLY ZATS- algunos extractos
originalmente Gabrielle roth hace flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical y stillnes)
Gabrielle Roth - Flowing,Staccato,Chaos,Lyrical,Stillness-27 min
Del album Tribe SOLO MUSICA
Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors – Percussion
 Through 5 Rhythems-28.33 MIN
Publicado el 7/9/2013

Publicado el 13/6/2012
Los 5 RITMOS son una práctica de danza y movimiento creados por la bailarina y artista norteamericana Gabrielle Roth. En su escuela The Moving Center School, se forman los únicos maestros en el mundo, autorizados a la enseñanza de su método.

Una danza que nos conecta con algo mayor a nosotros mismos
KELLY SATZ Maestra de los 5 Ritmos de Gabrielle Roth®, Directora de Diuca. Miembro de la International 5 Rhythms Association. Primera Maestra latinoamericana formada en Hearbeat, segundo mapa de los 5 Ritmos de Gabrielle Roth. /

Permitimos que la sabiduría y la memoria del cuerpo expresen su idioma de movimiento a través de nosotros.

Los 5 RITMOS son: fluido, staccato, caos, lírico y quietud

No hay pasos a seguir, cada ritmo es un diferente campo de energía en el que podemos encontrar nuestra propia expresión. La danza de cada persona es única en todo el universo y en esa singularidad radica la magia. Todos podemos bailar. Aquí no hay exigencias, coreografías, físicos perfectos o personas con más experiencia. Nos abrimos a la aceptación de nuestro propio cuerpo y aprendemos a disfrutar de él. Los ritmos son para todos. Cada ritmo es un maestro, una puerta hacia el alma.

Clase práctica 5 ritmos Fluído-0.35 min
Clase práctica 5 RITMOS Staccato-1.52 min
Tres grupos mas lento cada grupo en fila india van caminando alrededor del cuarto sin que choquen, cada grupo hace diferentes movimientos
Clase práctica 5 ritmos caos-4.19 min
Pasan al centro algunas personas y se mueven como africanas suelto todo el cuerpo cabeza cuerpo flojo como muñeto rtrapo la Kelly …. Buena…
Publicado el 13/6/2012
La TRIBU es un espacio de reunión, contención, espejo, presencia, raíz, sostén, círculo, fuego, calor, creatividad, cooperación, conexión, sanación.
"Partimos de ser uno para volvernos todo"
El crecimiento y despertar de cada individuo genera una conciencia grupal viva y poderosa. El Todo no es la suma de sus partes, sino una comunión de individualidades maravillosas que se unen en pos de un bien mayor. La TRIBU es una red tejida por todos sus miembros, enriquecida con cada individualidad para co-crear juntos una totalidad que contiene, nutre y vitaliza. Danzamos y nos abrimos al poder de SER que nos conecta con un hacer más creativo que se extiende de nosotros a los otros.
Te proponemos experimentar todos juntos en TRIBU la fuerza de lo nuevo en nuestras vidas, para seguir juntos animándonos a más. De mí a ti, a nosotros a la Tribu.
Los 5 RITMOS son una práctica de danza y movimiento creados por la bailarina y artista norteamericana Gabrielle Roth. En su escuela The Moving Center School, se forman los únicos maestros en el mundo, autorizados a la enseñanza de su método.

Clase práctica de 5 Ritmos TRIBU-7-28
Con Kelly Zatz (argentina)Tres grupos cada uno hace diferentes movimientos con tambor y van caminando hacia diferente lado se cruzan  al centro o algo así.. y en cada grupo van cambiando de dirigente al centro.. Kelly va dando indicaciones a cada grupo.. y van copiando al que va al frente…
Música-  Garab. 8.19 min
Del disco Made in Medina. Autor rachid Taha. Lanzamiento 2011- rock- es tambor con voz… monótono

Kelly Satz : danzando la conexión con la tierra , en Sammasati , Osho Festival 2014

Es como lo de Yolanda solo que aquí se tapan los hojos con antifaz con música tipo tambor con voz como de  indio nortemericano muy beuena

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