Ra ma da s asa se so hung- Siri Gayatri Mantra
RA MA DA SA SA SE SO HUNG- Siri Gayatri Mantra-10 min
Sat Hari Singh
Meditación con mantra sanador, uno de los mantras mas poderosos para sanar.
Hermosa versión, conmovedora, trae calma, paz. Serenidad.
Ra- sol, ma-luna, da-tierra, sa-infinito.
Sa, se, so, hung- yo soy tu, soy uno con todo lo que existe.
Snatam Kaur - Ra Ma Da Sa- Sa Se So Hung-9.02
Buen sonido- del disco: Grace
Sat Hari Singh & Hari Bhajan Kaur Ra Ma Da Sa Mantra
10 minutos. Buen sonido
Disco- servant of the heart
Gurunam Singh - Ramadasa (rhythmic version con voces)-11 min
31 MIN-
Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung, ~For Healing~-33.10 min
Publicado el 11/11/2012
Siri Gayatri Mantra
Sa-Impersonal Infinity
Say-totality of experience and it is personal
So-Personal sense of merger and identity
Hung-Infinite vibrating and real
Use this mantra for healing. To receive a blessing from the divine One~
This is in collaboration with Rick Franz on Guitar.
Sa-Impersonal Infinity
Say-totality of experience and it is personal
So-Personal sense of merger and identity
Hung-Infinite vibrating and real
Use this mantra for healing. To receive a blessing from the divine One~
This is in collaboration with Rick Franz on Guitar.
Healing for our World RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG

With all that is happening in the tragic displays of fear and pain in our communities, I have felt so compelled to meditate Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung. Chanting settles my heart and mind while invoking the pure power to heal and bless. We are all powerful healers and have the potential, through our intentions and prayers, to spread healing and light where it is needed most. I find myself mentally chanting this throughout the day or whispering it as I go about my work. It is so soothing and pure. May our collective vision of light and love bring healing to the the darkness and pain. Wahe Guru.
I appreciate finding this video where the Ra Ma Da Sa meditation was presented during a classical music concert. A beautiful blending and sharing of this sacred healing chant. Guru Dev Kaur
Ra Ma Da Sa Healing Meditation
Sit in easy pose with your legs crossed and spine straight, or sit in a chair with feet flat on the floor.Focus: Eyes are closed and focused at the third-eye point.
Mantra: Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung. The mantra should be sung in one complete exhalation. As you chant the first Sa, your navel point is pulled in so that this syllable is abbreviated. You should also pull your navel point in as you chant Hung. Hung should be vibrated at the root of the nose. The rest of the syllables are drawn out in a strong, powerful chant. Strive to keep your chant at full volume (loud but not raucous) throughout the meditation.
Ra = sun energy
Ma = moon energy
Da = earth energy
Sa = infinity, universal energy
Sa (repeated)
Say = the personal embodiment of Sa
So = the personal sense of merger with Sa
Hung = the Infinite, vibrating and real
This mantra literally means: “I am Thou." It can also mean, "the service of God is within me.“
Mudra: Bend the arms and bring the elbows against the side of the rib cage. The palms of the hands face the sky. The elbows are snug at your sides with the forearms in close to your upper arms. The hands are at a 45 degree angle, halfway between pointing forward and pointing to the sides.
Time: 11 minutes.
End: Inhale deeply, hold your breath and visualize the person you want to send healing to (it can be yourself). Make that image in your mind very clear and see a glowing green light around the person. Keeping that person in your mind, exhale. Inhale deeply, hold your breath and continue to send the person healing green light. Still keeping that vision in your mind, exhale. For the last time, inhale deeply, hold your breath and see the person very clearly, see the green healing light bathing the person, bathing every cell in the body.
Exhale and relax.
© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
Go to SPIRIT VOYAGE to listen to or purchase a download of the Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung Chant--beautifully recorded by several different artists.
El Siri Gaitri Mantra es uno de los caminos para elevar tu frecuencia a la sanación Divina. Este mantra es conocido comúnmente como Ra Ma Da Sa y contiene 8 sonidos que estimulan el flujo de la energía Kundalini trayendo equilibrio a nuestro cuerpo energético.
Estos sonidos invocan las energías del Sol, la Luna, la Tierra y el Espíritu Infinito para traer sanación profunda. Puede ser cantado para sanarte a ti mismo o enviar sanación a cualquier persona que lo necesite.
Mantra Completo: Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
Ra significa Sol y nos conecta con la frecuencia que da energía.
Ma significa Luna, y nos vuelve más receptivos.
Da es la energía de la Tierra, energía que nos enraíza con la Madre, nos da seguridad y fortaleza.
Sa es Infinito y mientras lo cantas tu energía se eleva trayendo la energía sanadora del Universo.
Al cantar Sa por segunda vez, traes la energía del infinito hacia ti.
Say es una manera de honrar al todo. Es como un nombre secreto de Dios.
So es la vibración que une.
Hung es el Infinito. Es la esencia de la creación.
Meditación Ra Ma Da Sa
Postura: Siéntate en postura fácil con la columna recta. Trae tus codos cerca de las
costillas haciendo un ángulo de 60 grados con los antebrazos. Las palmas se dirigen hacia el cielo con los dedos rectos paralelos al piso dirigidos hacia los lados.

Enfoque: Los ojos están cerrados y el enfoque es en el tercer ojo. ( Entrecejo)
Mantra: Inhala profundo y canta el mantra mientras exhalas. Al cantar el primer Sa presiona el punto del ombligo hacia dentro y hacia arriba, y lo mismo al cantar Hung.
Para terminar inhala profundo, sostén el aire unos segundos y relaja.
Toma un momento para observar y sentir la energía del mantra vibrando en todo tu ser.
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