jueves, 2 de abril de 2020



So Ham Mantra sung by Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba

Inhalar con so- exhalar con ham. 16.43 minutos


Sntatam Kaur   OM SO HUM-12.37 MIN

Publicado el 6 may. 2014 bonito

El Mantra So Hum; significa "Tu eres eso" ... yo soy eso. No soy mi cuerpo ni mi mente.

 la unión con lo Divino.

Canción -Ong Sohung
Artista -Snatam Kaur
Álbum -Live in Concert



este parece que es copia de una grabación de un guru hindu que ya murió

Мantra de la respiración SO HAM-10.27 MIN

Publicado el 14 may. 2017


Мantra de la respiración SO HAM

#Mantra de la respiración "SO HAM" se refiere a #Pranayama - mantra, el mantra que se pronuncia en la inhalación y la exhalación. Cuando se inhala puede oír el sonido de "S-o-o-o", y al exhalar “Ham-m-m-m ". Con cada ciclo de la respiración repita “So-ham”. "So" es significa "Él (Dios)", "Ham" es significa "Yo soy", y es el mantra significa "yo soy Él, yo soy Dios".

Otros nombres de este mantra son #Hamsa, #Hansa, #Sohum or #So Ham.

#So #Ham, como cualquier otro mantra, es una afirmación poderosa que, repetida regularmente, nos inducirá a una estado de calma y sosiego, preparando el terreno para un tipo de meditación más profunda dentro de nuestro Ser.



Mantra - es una combinación de ciertos sonidos, vibraciones que purifican el espacio, el cuerpo, la mente y la conciencia de las energías negativas. Mantra - es una fórmula sagrada antigua, que da la energía Divina y que abre la puerta para conocimiento Divino.

Repetir el mantra posible cualquier número de veces, lo más importante, que el número de repeticiones sea un múltiplo de tres. Puede repetir 3,6,9,15 ... veces, pero se obtiene el mejor efecto con una repetición diaria del mantra 108 veces, porque el número de ciento ocho es considerado sagrado. Unidad simboliza la Suprema Energía Divina, cero – es la perfección de la creación de Dios, y ocho – es un símbolo de la eternidad y el infinito en una forma invertida.

A fin de no ir por mal camino en contar el número de veces que se recomienda puede ser usar el rosario. Rosario también ayuda a concentrarse mejor en el mantra y sensaciones, además de todo, mientras del canto de los mantras, que lo está cargado de energía de gran alcance y puede servir como un excelente talismán y amuleto.


Ong So Hung- Guru Singh- 22.14 min


Publicado el 2 jul. 2015- bien tabla rítmica y mantra lento

Provided to YouTube by CDBaby

Ong So Hung · The Guru Singh Experience

Volume One

℗ 2008 Re-Evolution Records

℗ 2008 invisibleland publishing

Released on: 2008-01-01


Manish Vyas – Sohum- 7.10 MIN
Publicado el 2 ene. 2015
SOHUM – yo soy eso,  no soy mi cuerpo  ni  mi mente, soy eso
"Sohum" by Manish Vyas from the album "Shivoham, A JOURNEY INTO BLISS" (2014).-------

Soham Mantra with Marc Citroen and Hadewyn Post- 11.19 min

Acompañamiento con arpa y organillo

Soham" is composed by Marc Citroen. Live recording together with Hadewyn Post during their spring Concert in the Ter Loo chapel in Belgium on Saturday, May 25th 2013


Círculo del bosque / Soy - So hum-4.40 min

Publicado el 30 jul. 2019

Track 01 del álbum "El sendero del mantra".

Artista: Círculo del bosque

Álbum: El sendero del mantra        Año 2019

Warner Chapell / SDP Publishing.


Ohung SoHung Mantra / Meditation 23 minutos

Siri Shabd Singh – bien-  acompañado con tabla y piano

Publicado el 23 sept. 2016

Dear Sangat Ji,

This mantra, Ohung SoHung, ਓਹੰਗ ਸੋਹੰਗ , literally means: God’s Creative Power I Am That, which I translate as “I am the Creative Power of this Universe”.

As living creatures we have been gifted with consciousness, creative power and the power of love, amongst many other things.

These 3 gifts can be developed and grow immensely, for our great fortune.

The chanting of this mantra will just do that.

The Technique:

Chanting Ohung Sohung on one long exhalation will impart a deep rhythm pattern to your breathing.

This pattern, along with the specific sound produced, will create a specific frequency called Naad that shares many resonances / harmonics with the frequency holding this Universe together.


Chanting in such way is called Naad Yoga . This breathing pattern along with the monotonous repetition of the mantra creates harmonious and regular ripples that will soon merge with the same cosmic ripples that carry light and consciousness all over the Universe.


Chanting is not the same as singing. It’s not a performance and one can practice it without specific musical talent. The sound in chanting is focused on vibrating specific chakras. It’s more internal and doesn’t need to be projected outward much. It’s a vibration that you create within yourself until it merges / resonates / synchronizes with this specific frequency / subtle sound in which the cosmos bathes. This is where the separation between you and the outside world disappears.


When chanting “Ohung”, project and vibrate the sound at the root of the nose, sinus area (below and above your eyes) while focusing your eyes upward between your eyebrows. Stretch your lips out, forming a nice “O” shape. That will increase the volume of your sinus area so more air can reach and vibrate there (like a guitar with a large body that will resonate more than one with a small body).


If you find it difficult to keep the breath going until the end of the mantra, know that the lungs’ capacity increases relatively quickly with pranayama and yoga exercises. If you are unsure, ask you teacher what to do to achieve that result quickly. In the meantime, you can take a shorter inhalation to get the feel of the experience, although the full effect will not be achieved as yet.

Applying the Mulbandh during the mantra will also help you to keep the breath going longer. Release the Mulbandh at the end of the mantra when you inhale and apply it again on the next “Ohung” repetition.


On the “Hung”, feel the vibration / sound coming out of your chest, like a soft breeze massaging your heart center.


May Guru bless you with the love of Naad Yoga.

Siri Shabad Singh

September 22nd 2016

High Quality sound track can be streamed or downloaded from www.sirishabdsingh.bandcamp.com



Publicado el 26 dic. 2017
New recording of Beautiful OM SO HUM Mantra!! Just few minutes of meditating along with this magical mantra can bring calm and so much positivity inside and out.


Its not just a mantra which we should understand, its a technique and just chanting Om So Hum, Om So Hum for 10-15 mins daily can relax the breathing and balance our inner energy flow.


So Hum is derived from Sanskrit and literally means "I am That" . it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. As we meditate on this, we realize that we are all one, we have all come from one Infinite Source, and a part (Ansh) of that infinite source is present in all of us. We are all connected.

"You are the same as I am" OM is the sound of universe. Om Soham ~ I am the universe, I am part of it, I am connected to that Infinite source,


CHOIR sings OM SO HUM Mantra- 66 MIN

Publicado el 19 sept. 2016



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